The World According to Michelle

I am a young aspiring journalist and a proud Roma woman. I see huge problems in the lack of positive role models for young Roma men and women. Another problem is the lack of networking between them. After attending various trainings, I have come to understand the need for connecting young enterprising Roma men and women. They can inspire each other, motivate each other and be role models for those who do not believe in themselves. It is also important to reach out to majority peers and talk to them about the similarities in the lives of Roma youth. That is why I have decided to regularly bring journalistic outputs that will become the manuscript of the book The World According to Michelle, so that young Roma men and women will finally start to think and talk differently about Roma youth. I think that intensive publicity can help this.

Michelle Kubištová

Dominika pochádza z Košíc, ale v Bratislave už žije tri roky. Pracuje ako redaktorka v rómskom národnostnom vysielaní RTVS a študuje dramatické vedy. Je zapálená pre pomoc rómskym deťom, pretože sama si zažila, aké to je byť rómskym dieťaťom v "bielom svete". Je súčasťou prípravných komisií na Kongres mladých Rómov a Rómiek 2022, kde zastupuje...

Ria pochádza z malej dedinky Podhájska. V 12-tich rokoch sa začala učiť japončinu. Keď mala 15 rokov, odišla z domu, pretože cítila, že tam pre ňu nie je budúcnosť. Cítila, že stagnuje. Chcela od života viac. Keď odišla do Bratislavy, zmenila sa jej perspektíva na svet a otvorili sa jej nové možnosti. Prešla svet. Ovláda šesť jazykov a je...